Once again, millions of people from around the world will be vying for a chance to reside in the U.S. by way of an entry into the DV Visa Lottery. For the upcoming fiscal year the DV-2020 Visa Lottery program makes available 50,000 “diversity” immigrant visas for certain qualified individuals from the vast majority of the world’s countries.
Excluded from eligibility are natives of Bangladesh, Бразилия, Канада, Китай (mainland-born), Колумбия, Доминиканская Республика, Сальвадор, Гаити, Индия, Ямайка, Мексика, Нигерия, Пакистан, Перу, Филиппины, Южная Корея, Великобритания (кроме Северной Ирландии) and its dependent territories, and Vietnam. Persons born in Hong Kong SAR, Macau SAR, and Taiwan are eligible. There were no changes in eligibility this year from the previous fiscal year.
Эти указано, исключенные страны считаются "высокого приема" нации, and Congress’ aim in enacting the Visa Lottery program was to provide U.S. зеленые возможности карт для физических лиц из стран с более низким ставкам вступительных. Каждый год, the calculus in determining which countries are “high admission” is revisited and a new assessment is made year to year.
The entry period for the current visa lottery begins at noon, Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) (GMT-4), Среда, Октябрь 3, 2018, and runs through noon, Eastern Standard Time (IS) (GMT-5), Вторник, Ноябрь 6, 2018. Заявки будут приниматься только путем Департамента визовой лотерее сайте государства: www.dvlottery.state.gov. There is no fee to enter the Visa Lottery.
После регистрации, каждый заявитель будет иметь свою собственную уникальную номер подтверждения. Нет записей бумажные принимаются, и каждый отдельный применения допускается только одну запись. Applicants entering more than once will be disqualified.
Beginning May 7, 2019, entrants will be able to check the status of their entry (including whether they have been picked) by visiting dvlottery.state.gov, by entering their unique confirmation number and personal information. This is the exclusive avenue by which entrants will know the success of their entry. No emails or hard copy notifications will be sent to chosen entrants by the Department of State, и, соответственно,, entrants are advised to disregard any such communications purporting to provide official government news.
Chosen lottery entrants who meet all eligibility requirements for admission will be able to enter the U.S. – along with their spouse and under 21 летних детей (or undergo all processing in the U.S. via “Adjustment of Status” if they are already in the U.S. и на это право) – during the 2020 финансовый год, который длится с октября 1, 2019 по сентябрь 30, 2020.
Important details applicants need to be aware of:
1) An applicant should only be submitting a fee after they have been officially advised of having been picked in the lottery (by way of an online status check at dvlottery.state.gov) and pursuant to a Department of State immigrant visa processing fee request.
2) Applicants must be cautious of any emails they may receive advising of a “winning” visa lottery entry, as such emails are part of the protocol the Department of State has established for notifying entrants. Далее, official government emails are always sent from a mailbox with a “.gov” suffix. Websites or email addresses with suffixes other than “.gov” such as: ".com", “.org” or “.net” must be approached with deep skepticism as should emails or messages that appear too good to be true or claim to provide special insider insight.
3) All you need to know about the visa lottery, including how to enter, can be found at at www.dvlottery.state.gov. Таким образом, be sure to avoid websites or companies claiming to provide insider tips or access and where a service fee is being charged.
4) Entrants are chosen via a random process.
5) In addition to being from a qualifying country, applicants must have completed either a high school education or its equivalent, OR gained two years of experience working in a “skilled” position within the past 5 лет (Подробнее о том, что типы позиций квалифицировать включены на сайте визовой лотерее было отмечено выше).
6) Applicants are allowed to enter just one time. Qualifying individuals in the same household may submit their own individual applications.
7) Заявители могут жить в США. or abroad.
8) The spouse and children under 21 years of age of winning/chosen applicants may obtain the same green card benefits as the chosen primary applicant. Братья и сестры, married children and parents of winners are not eligible for derivative immigration benefits.
9) Цифровая фотография, сделанная в течение предыдущего 6 месяцев должны сопровождать заявку. The photograph must comply with specified guidelines and requirements set forth in the above DV Visa Lottery website.
Для получения дополнительной информации, including Frequently Asked Questions/Answers, о 2020 DV Visa Lottery Program visit www.travel.state.gov.
Опубликовано в октябре 4, 2018- "Закон об иммиграции ФОРУМ" Copyright © 2018, По Адвокатское бюро Ричард Ханус, Чикаго, ИллинойсThe post Лотерея Green Card в этом год (DV-2020) Начинает appeared first on США Visa адвокат.